Educators' Society for Heritage of IndiA ईशा
A Non-Profit Organization offering authentic educational resources
on culture and heritage of India www.ESHAusa.org
Hindi Language Teachers Resources
Pedagogy M.A. Degree Offered by Keane University
M.A. Degree in Hindi and Urdu Language Pedagogy
Startalk NYU blended Summer Teacher Program (call 212-998-8872 to enquire)
STARTALK Principles for Effective Teaching & Learning
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
Conversation Builder website:
Assessment of Performance Towards Proficiency in Languages, AAPPL
ACTFL is offering free access to its Conversation Builder website, an AAPPL tool that is most useful
for developing interpersonal proficiency.
In addition to supporting your instruction, it is a great tool for students to use when the programs ends.
An introductory video at this link will give you a better sense of how it might serve your program.
Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) offered by LTI (Language Testing International)
LTI is exclusive licencee of ACTFUL to administer these tests.
Resources for Teachers:
The following two websites may be very useful to people considering going into teaching programs - both at the graduate and undergraduate levels. http://teacherdegrees.com/ http://mastersineducationguide.com/
These websites are program-focused and allow visitors to view detailed information on undergraduate and graduate-level teaching programs around the US that includes scholarship and aid packages, retention and graduate rates, and things like student-to-faculty ratios.
Resources for Reading, Writing, Learning Hindi
Hindi English Dictionary (Shabdkosh)
Hindi writing in Roman - Transliteration scheme (ITRANS) with examples (in color)
of Hindi words starting with each vowel and consonant of Devanagari
Hindi Teachers Professional Development
ESHA Hindi Schools Curriculum - Click here for a link to Hindi Curriculum
HINDI Textbooks and Practice Books published by ESHA in 2016
Sample Pages of Books can be seen at this link
Hint: please scroll down to see all the sample pages in a book
Then scroll to the right or left to see the next book, then scroll down to see all the pages of that book