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   Board of Directors:

            Dr. Ved P. Chaudhary

                         (Former) Member, Board of Trustees, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

                         (Former) Assistant Commissioner, Department of Environmental Protection, NJ

                         (Former) Director, Bell Communications Research, NJ

                         (Former) Assistant Professor, University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India

                         (Former) Vice Principal, Community Development Training Center, UP, India

            Mr. Arun Sharma

                         Formerly Vice President of Administration - ESHA

                         Program Manager, ESHA Infrastructure projects

               Patron of Marlboro Hindi School, Marlboro, NJ

            Mr. Ashok Mittal

                        CEO, Founder at Fintech Global Center/Mittal Technologies, New York, NY

                        Patron of Marlboro Hindi School, Marlboro, NJ

            Mr. Kanchan Banerjee,

                        Managing Director, Boston Center of Excellence (BoCE) for Health and Human Development

                        Co-Founder and Editor - New Global Indian - On-line Journal

            Mr. Madhavan B. Nair,

                        President, Federation of Kerala Associations of North America

                        Chairman of the Board, North American Malayalee and Associated Members (NAMAM)

            Mr. Mayank Shekhar
                       Producer, Director of an Educational Documentary S
eries: 'Beware of God'

                       Founding Board member - California Parents for Equality of Educational Materials (CAPEEM)

           Dr. Sonali Banerjee                     
                       Patent Attorney registered to practice with the United States Patents and Trademarks Office. 
                       (Formerly) research scientist/engineer in Lucent Technology Bell Labs, and Bellcore, both in NJ,
                       and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, India.

          Executive Council


PAST President  

           Dr. Ved P. Chaudhary



           Mr. Arun Sharma   


Vice Presidents  

           Mr. Kanchan Banerjee, V.P. Public Relations
Mr. Mayank Shekhar, V.P. Development 

          Board Secretary           

 Dr. Sonali Banerjee



           Mr. Ashok Mittal


Education  Officials

          Dr. Bishan Agrawal - Principal, Marlboro Hindi School, Monmouth County, NJ
                  (Former) Math Teacher, High Tech High School, Monmouth County, NJ.

          Dr. Shiv Agrawal -  Principal, Montgomery Hindi School, Somerset County, NJ  

                  Researcher, Columbia University, NY

          Mrs. Mamta Tripathi -  Principal, Hindi Language Academy, Hillsborough, NJ
                  Lead Instructor, Curriculum Developer, ESHA 
Summer School Program

          Dr. Sonali Banerjee - Dean, Academic Programs of ESHA

Mr. Brijnandan Gupta - Director of Technology

Mrs. Renu Mendiratta - Director ESHA-STARTALK Summer School Program
         Vice Principal TJMS / WWMS Edison Public Schools

Board of Advisors  


            Prof. Alok Kumar - Chair

                      Distinguished Teaching Professor, Physics, State University of New York, Oswego, NY.

                          Author/coauthor of the following books on the History of Science:

                                     1.     Science in the Medieval World, 1991 and 1996

                                     2.     Sciences of the Ancient Hindus: Unlocking Nature in the Pursuit of Salvation, 2014

                                     3.    A History of Science in World Cultures: Voices of Knowledge, 2015.

                                     4.    Ancient Hindu Science: Its Transmission and Impact on World Cultures, 2019. 


            Prof. T. S. Rukmani – Former Chair

                      Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Hindu Studies, and Chair, Dept of Religion, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

                       Advisory Board Member, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies

  Dr. Piyush Agrawal,                    
Superintendent of Schools, Piscataway School District, NJ

                             Past Senior Vice President GOPIO International

                        National Past President, Association of Indians in America (AIA)

                        Past Chairman, Asian American Federation of Florida (AAFF)

                        Past Chairman, Florida Health Disparity Advisory Committee

                        Past Chairman, US 2000 Census Asian Advisory Committee

                        Chairman & CEO, APS Technologies, Inc.

                        Former United Nations Expert

  Prof. Surendra Gambhir

                      Professor Emeritus, Department of South Asia Studies, University of Pennsylvania

                      Founder, Chairman, Yuva Hindi Sansthan

                      Recipient of Award from the President of India for Promotion of Hindi and Culture of India


           Prof. Pankaj Jain

                          Associate Professor, Dept of Philosophy and Religion

                         Co-chair, India Initiative Group, University of North Texas

                     Co-founder, American Academy of Indic Studies

                     Section Editor for Hinduism, Encyclopedia of Indian Religions

                     Executive Editor, American Journal of Indic Studies

                         Author of Two Books:

                                     1. Dharma & Ecology of Hindu Communities (Routledge, 2011)

                                     2. Science and Socio-Religious Revolution in India (Routledge, 2017)


          Prof. Jeffery D. Long
                     Professor of Religion and Asian Studies, Elizabethtown College, PA
                     Series Editor, Explorations in Indic Traditions: Theological, Ethical, and Philosophical, Lexington Books


          Prof. M.G. Prasad

                      Professor and Director, Noise and Vibration Control Laboratory,  Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ 

                      Founder of Taranga: promoting Arts and Culture of Bharat

                      (Former) Trustee of the Hindu Temple and Cultural Society, Bridgewater, New Jersey.

                      (Former)  Coordinator of the inter-faith prayer group during the 50th-anniversary celebrations of the United Nations


          Prof. Anant Rambachan

                     Professor of Religion, Philosophy and Asian Studies at Saint Olaf College, Minnesota, USA

                     Author of several books, book chapters, and articles in scholarly journals. Among his books are: 
                      1.  Accomplishing the Accomplished,

                           2.  The Limits of Scripture, 

                           3.  The Advaita Worldview: God, World and Humanity, The Hindu Vision, 

                           4.  Gītāmrtam: The Essential Teachings of the Bhagavadgītā and 

                           5.  A Hindu Theology of Liberation.   
                      His writings include a series of commentaries on the Ramayana. 
                      The British Broadcasting Corporation transmitted a series of 25 lectures by Prof. Rambachan around the world.


          Prof. Bal Ram Singh

                    Chairman, Boston Center of Excellence (BoCE) for Health and Human Development

                    Former Director, Center for Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, MA
                    Founder, Institute of Advanced Sciences, Dartmouth, MA 

                       Professor and Director, Botulinum Research Center





MHS and StarTalk Camp Address

Marlboro Memorial Middle School

71 Nolan Road, Morganville, NJ 07751


Tel: 732-917-7750

Fax: 303-600-6239


© 2014 by

Educators Society
for Heritage of India

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