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Are you aware or concerned, that there is considerable misinformation and misleading information included in many textbooks that are used in the study of India and its heritage? This information, much of which is not accepted by scholars, has a very negative impact on all students, but particularly those of Indian and Hindu heritage. As young children are the future of America, it is utmost important that the instructional material they use is thoroughly reviewed for accuracy. 

On many occasions, we have found that the image of India and Indian heritage is shown in very poor light, perhaps due to lack of right/proper information available to the curriculum consultants, textbook writers
and the textbook reviewers and due to lack of active participation by the Indian parents and professionals.

We also know that by working pro-actively with the school board officials, the situation can be changed.
We have seen positive results from the Indian communities' efforts during the process of curriculum standards development and/or textbook reviews in New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, California, and Virginia. 

California and Texas are two key states that undertake statewide adoption of textbooks. The textbooks adopted at the state level are then purchased by all school districts in these states. Because they are the largest states in US, they purchase a large volume of textbooks and the large volume of revenue source from these states attracts the publishers. Thus, publishers will publish anything that will satisfy and be approved by these two state boards.

Texas is a well known right wing dominated state board of education. California state board is not known to be right-wing dominated, but many interactions with the Indian-American community organizations has made it well known that they would rather accept the views of those who give a negative portrayal of India and Hinduism, rather than accepting the views of Indian Americans who have so much first-hand, authentic information.


Therefore, a key objective of ESHA is to bring together educators and parents to work with various Boards of Education in providing correct information during textbook reviews and other instructional material that is up for adoption. You can support ESHA's effort by volunteering your time, talent and professional experience. Your support is important for the success of our mission and objectives.

What can you do?

Support. Participate. Volunteer. Join the Team.

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MHS and StarTalk Camp Address

Marlboro Memorial Middle School

71 Nolan Road, Morganville, NJ 07751


Tel: 732-917-7750

Fax: 303-600-6239


© 2014 by

Educators Society
for Heritage of India

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